D.R.Outdoors Inc. Profile
Company Description
New York, April 23 2007 the owner of D.R. Outdoors Inc.TM a New York based company was granted licensing right from the owner of the Cocona Inc.TM To manufacture and launch its new line of Active Compression wear and Ultra-Lite outdoor performance apparel using it’s new Cocona TM fabrics and yarns that are made using their patented Natural Technology TM derived from recycled coconut shells. It’s this technology that makes Cocona TM fabrics superior over other performance fabric's on the market today. It's the permanent features that provide D.R.Outdoors performance garments made with Cocona TM fabrics and yarns it's remarkable evaporative cooling, anti-static, UV protection, odor management and fast dry time. All our garments come with the Cocona TM hang tag letting you know that Cocona Inc. TM has certified them.
D.R.Outdoors Active Compression wear product line made with Cocona TM fabrics is made to fit snug. It's the compress fit that helps with your bodies natural blood circulation, reduces muscle vibration and muscle fatigue and helps in the recovery time of your muscles after a strenuous work out. Our Active compress wear is made from a mid weight Cocona TM fabric providing evaporative cooling superior to any other product available. The garment rapidly pulls moisture away from the skin and spreads it across the fabric surface to increase the evaporation rate and speed up dry time. By eliminating moisture in the garment, you stay warmer in the cold and cooler in the heat. Can be worn as a base layer or by it's self.
D.R.Outdoors Ultra- Lite wear product line made with Cocona TM fabric is made to fit loose. Made with an Ultra -Lite Cocona TM fabric, it provides the same evaporative cooling as our compress line of products but in a stylish loose fit.
All our garments are made with Cocona TM fabrics so they will absorb a wide range of odor molecules. Odors coming from the wearer or the surrounding environment are attracted to and trapped within the pores of the activated carbon. Odor molecules are released and the carbon refreshed with the heat from the washing and drying. Our garment will provide a natural UVA and UVB protection. The active carbon embedded within the yarns and fibers of the Cocona TM fabric absorbs the harmful rays and provides a shield between your skin and the damaging UV radiation. Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) can be provided. Because this is not a chemical treatment, there are no negative effects on your body.
All of D.R.Outdoors performance garments are made with nothing but Cocona TM fabric's we chose Cocona TM fabric to manufacture our product lines at a time when the world is searching for smart, innovative and natural green technologies, that must have unique performance features and be competitively priced. One other reason we chose Cocona TM fabric for all our garments is that the Cocona TM technology is contained inside the yarn fiber it will not wear out or wash off in fact our garments made with Cocona TM fabric are refreshed with the heat from the washing and drying. Unlike topical chemical treatments in other performance fabrics available in the textile industry that will wash out before the life of the garment
D.R.Outdoors Inc. Performance apparel was first shown at the 2008 Winter Outdoor Retail show in Salt Lake City. There are a total of 19 different styles between the Active Compression Wear collection and the Ultra-Lite Wear collection for men and women.
Additional information is available at http://www.coconafabrics.com as well as http://www.droutdoors.com