Bikes and Beans Profile
Company Description
We are a Bicycle and Coffee shop. Bikes and Beans was established in 2017 and opend in our Vista location in 2018. This shop combines the Owner Andrew Littles two greatest passions Coffee and Bikes.
Our Bicycle Service is full service shop
Brands we carry Revel, Canfiels, Mullet, KHS, PNW, TRP, Atomik, DVO, EXT, Leatt, and Honey Stinger as premium stock brands along with other brands as well.
We are a service forward shop that focuses on the needs of the customer in an authentic, rider built, rider perspective.
We support our local organizations not just through funds but also through our time as well.
Our perks are great we offer IRA matching up to 3% and offer various perks that change throught the year. We also have a fund the helps our employees afford things that live may throw in the way.