Outdoor Gear Exchange Profile
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Company Description
We are Outdoor Gear Exchange (OGE), located on Church Street in beautiful Burlington, Vermont. Smart buying and over 25 years in the outdoor industry allows us to offer the best deals possible on a fabulous selection of gear for camping, hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, telemark skiing, alpine touring (AT skiing), nordic skiing, biking, kayaking, canoeing, adventure travel and yoga. We also have a fantastic selection of footwear and apparel from casual to technical. If you find yourself in town make sure to stop by for a visit.
To empower outdoor activity, adventure, and exploration of all kinds by cultivating community and encouraging knowledge sharing, while outfitting all people with gear that best meets their needs.
A world where everyone feels welcome and is able to experience the wonder, well-being, and adventure of the outdoors in the most fulfilling way possible.