Bajío Sunglasses Profile
Company Description
Bajío is an American Sunglass company founded by Al Perkinson and Marguerite Meyer based in New Smyrna Beach Florida. Al's free-thinking vision has long been at the heart of the movement infusing the angling world with the rebellious vitality of a DIY ethos.
Bajío was created to realize this vision fully, in uncompromising pursuit of quality, integrity, and originality.
As a brand, Bajío seeks to take a stand against the massive international profiteers destroying the outdoor industry. Our sunglasses are assembled in the USA. Our raw materials are as sustainable as we can get today. We donate portions of our profits to causes we believe in. We speak out on issues we find important and give a voice to those who we care about.
We believe in doing things our own way, with conviction and beholden to no one. We exercise complete independence in what we create, who we work with, and what organizations we support. That's the definition of punk rock to us, and we are interested in the endless ways people from all walks of life manifest this attitude. As we look to the future, we invite you to join us. See beyond.