ECOApp Profile
Company Description
ECOApp is a wholesale distributor, web retailer and custom integrator of afforable energy-saving appliances and gadgets, solar electric systems for eco-friendly residential and commercial buildings. ECOApp provides product and services making it possible for people to stay connected, informed and live sustainable and clean lifestyles. We are using the internet and web-enabled location based information tools to empower people with the high quliaty and low prices eco-friendly products and services provide for your home and office. Our products and services include the first patented commericial solar electric bicycles in North America. The company also markets a wide line of Eco-Friendly solar related Gadgets. ECOApp was created by a Silicon Valley venture capital veteran with a passion to create new and exciting ecologically friendly applications that improve peope's lives. With increasing global warming, we are dedicated to an afforable and eco-friendly renewable energy supply helped by energyy saving appliances and gadgets.