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Company Description
A Walk In The Woods is a full range tour guide, emphasizing the teaching of natural history, this is our 20th year offering spectacular trips into the Smokies. We are a two time winner of REI's Top guide award. We are experts in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, medicinal and edible uses of wild plants and mushrooms, wild animals and their habits, backpacking, primitive skills, outdoor survival, and local human history. tours including; interpretive guided nature walks, guided hikes, birding and salamander treks, hiker shuttle service in and around the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Appalachian Trail support, trip planning, camping and backpacking equipment rental, guided backpacking trips, classes and seminars. Our goal is to make the Great Smoky Mountains National Park come alive for you.  is dedicated to raising environmental awareness through direct, positive experiences with nature.